Is there a way to insert pauses at certain punctuation marks in text?

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asked by about Balabolka
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Is there a way to insert pauses at certain punctuation marks in text?

4 Answers

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No avatar answered by (193k points)

No, the pauses can be inserted only between sentences. Go to Options > Settings > Pauses and enter a value in the Pauses between sentences and Pauses between paragraphs fields. The value of 0 means no pause. Press the F1 key to open to user guide for further information.

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Yes, there is a way

Using the prononciation correction tool, add a silence to that punctiation mark's prononciation.

I wanted Balabolka to pause when encountering "—" in the text so I edited the prononciation ( Ctrl+P ) to define in the dictionnairy:

—=< silence msec="400"/>
[no space between < and silence, but without it it doen't show in my post]

and now Balabolka makes a small pause rather than going right to the next word...

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I can't use those two answer ,but I find an other way you can use ctlr+alt+x to add pause between text (words) and it is free , good job , thanks a lot

commented by (100 points)
I didn't understand, what did you mean with "ctlr+alt+x to add pause between text (words)"?
Where did you use it in Balabolka?
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Press ctrl + alt + x, a pop up will appear. Just leave the option selected, enter the number of milli seconds it has to wait. Then click okay. It will insert an tag like between the texts where you place the cursor. While reading, it will pause those 5000 msec.

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