I have installed Zawgyi Font which works for Firefox but I can't use it in Internet Explorer.

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I have installed Zawgyi Font which works for Firefox but I can't use it in Internet Explorer. I want to see Zawgyi Font in both browsers. What should I do?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (77.9k points)

This problem has a very simple fix. You first need to open a test editor application (Notepad is more than enough) and copy the following text :

body { font-family:Zawgyi-one; } input, select , textarea { font-family:Zawgyi-one; }

If your installed Zawgyi font has a different name, make sure to change it in the text above. After you did this, save it on your desktop with the following name IE.CSS. Now, open your Internet Explorer, go to Tools > Internet Options > General tab > Accessibility (from the bottom of the page). Make sure that you have checked the Ignore font style specified on webpages option as well as the Format documents using my style sheet. Click on the browse button and select the file that you just created. This should fix your problem.

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