I need a good photo enhancing application.

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Currently I am working on a project of National ID Card, and looking for a sort of application or software which could fulfill my requirements like:

1. Auto enhancement 2. Auto face detection 3. Provide a kind of standard background with an equal amount of light for every photo of a single ID Card 4. Detect and correct red color 5. The app provides a very standard photo template that meets world standards.

For a little more clarification I would like to elaborate: we will be clicking the image for an ID card in different locations, backgrounds, weather, amount of light, improper angles, open mouth or smile and many more but at the end I want only a standard image for my ID cards with balanced characteristics. If you know of an application that fits my requirements please share with me.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (193k points)

You can use Adobe Photoshop or Picasa. These are two applications that handle images in a very professional way. Adobe Photoshop has all the necessary tools to enhance and correct your photos and it's a little harder to use while Picasa is more user friendly and allows you to use the built-in tools with ease.

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