SuperCopier is not working properly.

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I have installed SuperCopier, but when I try to copy and paste it's not working. Copy and Paste is done by the default Windows copy/paste dialogue. What to do to make SuperCopier work?

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (193k points)

This application is not used in copy and paste operations related to clipboard. The application provides a replacement for default Windows file copy progress dialog. Make sure that you download the right version for your system's architecture before you can use this application properly.

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answered by

This software does not work for all the version of windows. After trying it for almost a month, I felt the need to upgrade to a better software. Currently, I am using GS Richcopy 360 which works very fell for me and I can use it for FTP too. Give it a try, its really effective!

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answered by

Podrian hacer el supercopy que pase selectivamente documentos ,imagenes o sea que se escoja como mismo se escoje el tamaño

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