I want to buy Profile Scheduler for my Samsung S3 I9100.

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No avatar asked by (120 points)
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I want to buy Profile Scheduler for my Samsung S3 I9100. I have few clarifications regarding this software. I already tried the freeware and found few difficulties:

  1. timed profile changing is working well except for Sunday. I want a custom profile for Sunday, full day.

  2. I faced difficulties with setting a white list. You have provided 3 white list names in the free version. It is not ringing when calls from the white nlist arrives.

I want to set a silent profile at nights but I want to receive calls from my wife, boss, home, certain friends in the silent profile. Is it possible in your software?

1 Answer

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answered by (264k points)

Yes, you can use Profile Scheduler to set custom profiles for certain people. Create a new profile then you can edit the settings. If your phone already supports profiles, it will be overwritten with the ones from this application.

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