Error End and HRESULT 0x8007ffff.

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I paid for and downloaded Error End but when I try log on under one of my profiles on the computer I get the same error message HRESULT0X8007ffff. I paid and downloaded ErrorEnd specifically as it said it would fix this problem. Is there something I am doing wrong? All the other profiles on the computer work fine.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (329k points)

This is a conflicting problem related to the applications installed in your computer. If you have an HP laptop, try to uninstall everything related to protection tools:

-Device Access Manger for HP ProtectTools -Privacy Manager for HP ProtectTools -Drive Encryption for HP ProtectTools

Reboot the computer then come back and the errors should disappear. In case you still have problems, reboot the computer, press F8 and enter Safe Mode.

Open a Command Prompt and type: net user password. Change the info then reboot normally. The error should be gone now.

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