I want to convert .pic files. I need suggestions on a good program for this operation.

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I am looking for converting .pic files. I need suggestions on a good program for this operation.

4 Answers

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No avatar answered by (193k points)

There is one application you can use to view these files but it has been marked as malware. Free File Viewer is the name of the application, but before you can use it, upload the setup package to VirusTotal and scan it. If you receive red results, it means that it is infected and cannot be used. You could try using AcdSee to open the image.

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No avatar answered by (180 points)

If you want to transfer your iPhone pictures to computer or Mac,you can use the professional transfer tool,such as Coolmuster,iPubsoft,iStonsoft and so on. Get more solution: Transfer Photos from iPhone to Mac Easily

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No avatar answered by (309k points)
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You can use Image Converter Plus. The application supports all versions of the PIC file format. Download the software, install it and launch it from your desktop. Click on Add files > Select PIC format from the Files Type, then you can choose the output format.

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No avatar answered by (230 points)

Look for free program called IrfanView. It does wonders. It is safe, I have used it for years. It converts from almost anything to almost anything.

Ilike it especially if I want a copy of a piece of my current screen. Hit PrtScrn-Key (That puts the screen on your computer's internal copy-file) Launch IrfanView, key CTRT-V (that pastes the internal copy-file) With your mouse swipe from upper-left to lower right to define the area you want. Key CTRT-C Launch IrfanView again, key CTRT-V, and there you are.

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