Hi, I really want to use this as my default player as it's the only one I've found that will play one album after another across different artists. I'm having a really hard time simply getting back to the artist list. How can I easily do this? I've...

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about MortPlayer Music

Hi, I really want to use this as my default player as it's the only one I've found that will play one album after another across different artists. I'm having a really hard time simply getting back to the artist list. How can I easily do this? I've tried to go to the settings and hit navigation but it's just gone to the current artist being played. I want to get back to the root file list of all my artists in my music folder.

This app is great, but it is far from simple!


1 Answer

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answered by (240 points)

Please specify which media player you are using?

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