How do you get unlimited coins in Pou?

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about Pou
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How do you get unlimited coins in Pou?

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (79.9k points)

There is no way to get unlimited coins in Pou. The only way to get coins is to complete tasks or buy them from the developer. Visit the in-game shop for pricing information.

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Yes, there is a way. If you search enough, you can find APKs that are edited so you get infinite coins, or at least you get 999999 coins.

Problems with that:

*Most of them also come with edited ***, line custom coins, custom Pous, custom stuff... that will freak you out.

Also, most of them are NOT updated. Some of them are even previous to the Bathroom update!!!

There are also TOOLS that will edit your Pou stuff without actually you uninstalling it, like CheatDroid or CheatCIH, but you need a rooted phone/tablet.

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