Can Roblox make an application that can be used on an Android tablet?
It seems that the Roblox application can be used on every Android tablet that has 4.0.3 OS or above. You can try to download and test it for yourself. You can do this through the Google Play application from your device. For more information, visit the product's official website.
You can't for now... it only works android phones. Roblox is trying to make it better for android and let it work. Don't waste your time searching for websites. Just wait, as I do.
Yes (maybe all in the future), for some Android tablets like Samsung Galaxy Tab A, you can. It also works on Android phones, and other operating systems like Android, Microsoft Windows, iOS, macOS, Xbox One, Macintosh operating systems, Fire OS.
My tablet is a samsung galaxy tab 4 and roblox is VERY laggy! I think its because my tablet was made 6 years ago (2014) and i also think that The samqsung Galaxy Tab S3 (which im getting soon) is going to work better because its a later tablet (2017) compared to mine (2014)
You can play it, if your playing a black screen. Roblox, if your reading this, please update to let us do it!