I have a Samsung Admire R-720 cell phone.

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No avatar asked by (120 points)
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I have a Samsung Admire R-720 cell phone. Is there an app I can download to watch my videos (like Netflix) without so much buffering? Google has a Flash Player on the Store but it won't let me download it. It says it is not compatible with my phone.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (79.9k points)
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It's possible that you can't download the Flash Player because it can't run on the Android version that your device is using. You can't fix this in any way. Before you can watch a movie on the Internet using your device, you need to make sure that you are connected to a stable Internet connection. This can be the reason why you have to wait for a long time to load the video. Also, this might be caused by your device's hardware limitation. To watch online movies, I suggest you try FlashFox. This is a browser tool that has a built-in flash player.

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