How to unlock the flash drive when it is 'write protected' by a saved photo transferred to it?

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Have tried the above actions, but the 'Change Drive Letter & Path' is not available as an option to click. Is there a method to remove the 'write protection' on the flash drive, which I did not deliberately create. There appears to be a photograph saved onto it, which is corrupted and I can't delete it, because of the 'write protect'!

related to an answer for: How to fix my flash drive?

1 Answer

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answered by (15.6k points)

OK, here is what you can do. Go to Start, Run and type regedit. Navigate to this location KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\StorageDevicePolicies double-click the WriteProtect field and set the value Data to 0. The change should be effective after restarting your computer.

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