I want to put stop loss order (buy and sell) for my clients in Odin. I have created file for such orders in Excel and I want to upload that file in Odin. My main broker has given me upload structure file for bulk order but it only works for normal...

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about ODIN Trader Workstation

I want to put stop loss order (buy and sell) for my clients in Odin. I have created file for such orders in Excel and I want to upload that file in Odin. My main broker has given me upload structure file for bulk order but it only works for normal buy/sell orders, not for stop loss. Odin creates *.upl file when we manually entered stop loss orders, but that file's structure can not be read and in binary format. Can you help to put stop loss orders in Odin by Excel?

1 Answer

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answered by (140 points)

Dear Jagdip, may I suggest you to try FTR Bulk Orders Utility to resolve all your problems.

I am posting you the reference sites for your information. Source(s): http://www.bulkorders.in http://bulkorders.wordpress.com

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