Purchased the software a couple of years back, purchased a new computer and tried to install it. Unfortunately, I do not have the registration information from where I purchased it. I am wondering if it is possible to resend that information. Thank...

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about DesignersMate

Purchased the software a couple of years back, purchased a new computer and tried to install it. Unfortunately, I do not have the registration information from where I purchased it. I am wondering if it is possible to resend that information. Thank you.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (640 points)

Hello, James. Please be aware that we're not affiliated with the developers of DesignersMate in any way. Whilst it is possible that some of the representatives of the company behind that software could still be monitoring third-party websites in search of user comments and support requests, it's somewhat unlikely, given that the said software is no longer available for purchase. Please refer to the following open letter from AMS NA general manager Tom Penner, it covers the current state of DesignersMate: http://www.amsna.net/products/designers-mate-update

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