I exported my contacts into a vCard file, ran this program and then tried to load it into my VW Navigation system.

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asked by about GPS to vCard
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I exported my contacts into a vCard file, ran this program and then tried to load it into my VW Navigation system. It would not load, no addresses or something. I am using Outlook 7. Contacts are loaded correctly: names in the name and addresses in the address field. Is there a sample format I can view to make adjustments?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (79.9k points)

Unfortunately, there is no sample file available to download. However, on the official website, the developer states that you need to copy the exported files to the SD card of the navigation System under the Destination folder. This might be the reason why you can't load the files. Also, check the following official forum for more discussion about the application. If you can't fix the problem, try to contact the developer on the site mentioned above.

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