Why won't clip gallery install?

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about Microsoft Home Publishing 2000
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I installed Microsoft Home Publishing 2000. I ran it in every OS I used. Now I have Windows 7. I installed it and it works fine, except I can't install the clip gallery. When I open the program everything works until I try to use the clip gallery. Then there are no pictures in the clip gallery. Where are they? Can anyone help?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (77.9k points)

If you can't install the clip gallery tool on your computer with Windows 7, you can try to add the clip art items on your own. To do that, copy your clip arts to the following location in your computer after you installed the Publishing application : C:\ Program Files\ Microsoft Office\ Clipart and C:\ Program Files\ Common Files\ Microsoft Shared Clipart. By doing this, the copied files should be available to use in Microsoft Publishing program.

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