Had my disk replaced and lost the add-on. I want to get it back.

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about GIMP Add-on - Background Blur
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On 2011-09-26 I bought this software. Meanwhile my disk failed and I lost all data, and it was replaced by a new one. I went to the download link on the receipt e-mail but it doesn't work anymore. How can I have the add-on file to install again? I can forward the receipt from my email again if needed, just need to know the email address to send.

Thank you so much, Ana.

1 Answer

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answered by (264k points)

You can't download the add-on again because the website where the plug-in was hosted is discontinued and not working anymore. I believe there is nothing to do in this case other than looking for something else and Focus Blur is the best suggestion.

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