Communication of SOPAS OPC SERVER with Factory Talk service platform.

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asked by (120 points) about SOPAS OPC-Server
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I am using Sopas OPC server to get the Fix Mount Scanner data in Rockwell Software Data Client and then to FTPC (Factory Talk Production Center). But most of the time I am getting errors like error code: 80004004.

Error code: failed to load data server Sopas OPC on machine (0x80080005). Failed to maintain connection to name sever, networking problems are prohibiting communication (result=80010006). Connection to factory talk directory server has bees lost. error=result:0x80049006. Out of service. The factory talk network directory server is not currently available on any computer. Loss of Service. The Sopas server on the primary computer is not loaded (Sopas Server Status-Not Loaded).

Please suggest a solution to this error.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (329k points)

The SOPAS OPC-Server is available as an "On Request" basis. It means that public support and information is not available. In such situations, you also benefit from their official support if you have problems with the software. Access the official website, and fill the form found on their page. Explain that you have problems with their software. Provide the error codes as well, to easily identify problems.

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