It seems that your problem was caused by the missing file or a corrupt in the file. If the file is really missing you can search on the net to download it and put it in the correct folder path. It not you can use Windows Boot Genius to diagnose the problem and fix it accordingly. Here are detailed steps below:
Step 1: If your computer won't start, or it starts but Windows won't start, you should utilize another workable computer for this step. Insert a blank CD into your computer. Launch Windows Boot Genius and click "Burn". Only one click of mouse, you can finish burning a boot CD.
Step 2: This step is operated on the computer that won't boot up. Insert CD onto your computer. And set BIOS to boot your computer from CD, instead of hard drive. It will reboot automatically and access to the CD.
Step 3: Then you will load to system. Launch this program under Win PE. Select "Windows Rescue" to follow the built-in wizard to finish fixing booting problems. Select "Data Recovery" option to rescue lost data.