GPS Photo Tagger problems.

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about GPS Photo Tagger
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When I start my old version of GPS Photo Tagger, I get an error message saying "Not valid Google API key". Now, I have just downloaded and installed: GPS Photo Tagger Version 1.2.4, from the gpsPhotoTagger_install_sja_pro.exe file, but when I enter the "Product Key" from my old version, I get a "Wrong product key". What can I do?

3 Answers

0 votes
No avatar answered by (180 points)

Hi, I have the same problem. The old version does no longer work with Google Maps (wrong licence) and this version does not accept my product code. Can anybody reach the ITravel Tech support (ITravel Tech seems to be the designer of this product)?

0 votes
No avatar answered by (180 points)

Hi, I've just downloaded the CANMORE version of the software ( It does work. It is worthy to try it. Regards.

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No avatar answered by (193k points)

GPS Photo Tagger is not authorized anymore to use the Google Maps API. From what it seems, if you download a newer version, you will need to purchase another license. I suggest you contact the developers for further information. You can get in touch with them using email address.

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