GPS Photo Tagger 1.2.4

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asked by (150 points)
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I am using GPS photo Tagger 1.2.4. since some days i receive the following message after start: "Google has disabled use of maps API for this application. The provided key is no valid Google API key ..."

How can i avoid this error?

4 Answers

0 votes
answered by (140 points)

I have the same error. And i am also seeking to avoid this error

I have version 1.2.3 so that's not the solution

I have told this error to a very large electonic detailer and i didn't have a answer from them. I so and they come with a solution i let you know

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answered by

I have the same problem also. Just bought a GT-750 GPS logger. It coms with the GPS Phototagger 1.2.3 software. How can I solve this problem? Hans from Holland.

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answered by

Try using this address for a different version:

However, you might not be able to connect your device, so use an older version to connect to device and download tracks, and this version to actually see the files on the map.

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answered by

The bluemax version worked for my photomate that was previously running version 1.2.4 of GPS Photo Tagger.

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