A freecom drive USB (250Go) has been disconnected from MAC, even when system says: do not do that, it is still in use. After that reconnecting the drive to the Mac, system doesn't show the volume anymore.
When connecting it on a windows XP machine, a password seems to be necessary to read the disk but no password had been entered !
The disk is unusable:
Under MAC, when connecting the drive, I can see 2 new devices:
I can use dd to copy /dev/disk2 to a file, which is detected as a CDRom, But when I try to use dd to make a raw copy of /dev/disk1 (the DATA I suppose),
I got a input/output error. The disk utility of Mac OS X detects the drive:
Freecom support say: you cannot access data without password.
So my question is, before trying to remove the software protection (there is a tool forthat), I would like to make a raw copy of the entire disk (for security reason).
Is it possible? Is it a normal behavior to get a input/output error when trying to use dd?