USB remote control of a RIGOL DS1062C Scope

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about rgds1k IVI Driver
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I've got a few measurement instruments: some of them are scopes and one of them is a RIGOL DS1062C. My aim is to develop a Windows Forms application software (Visual C++ 2010 .NET) which include intruments of remote control. Considering reuse and multi-purpose goal for my software, I choose NI-VISA common librairies to handle communication with different devices.

IVI special drivers for each device aren't good because I want my soft to be able to work with different models from different vendors. In that way "rgds1k.msi" doesn't seem to be interesting for me (iunless compatible with a DS1062C?). Just one question regarding this : what Windows system is needed to be used with Rgds1k?

I've tried the most up-to-date libraries from NI and Agilent.

For instance : Agilent DSO1002A and Tektronix TDS2012B connected via USB and associated with USB Test and Measurement Device (IVI) driver, i.e. "ausbtmc.sys" works OK with my VisaNT class.

My experiment with the RIGOL DS1062C shows me:

  • Ultrascope for DS1000 Series works when the device is associated to the "rigolusb.sys" driver
  • viFindRsrc() retrieve the visa address "USB0::0x0400::0x05DC::6&1f2a9dc&0&2::0::INSTR" when the Agilent version of Visa is used (not the NI !) and if sometime a communication session can be opened using viOpen(), it fails by viWrite() or viRead(). The same issue whatever the driver is used, "ausbtmc.sys" or "rigolusb.sys" !

1 Answer

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answered by (264k points)
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There are two ways to find out the correct connection for the devices you have. One is by using the Documents available on the official website. You can access those documents clicking the links posted below. The second one is to use the video tutorial posted on YouTube. There is a user who provides a tutorial on how to make these devices work through the remote control. The video can be accessed through Google Search. It's the only video on the page.

Documents: Google Search:

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