Obtaining a version that I can use after the trial period is over.

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asked by (120 points) about MSE ECMO
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I have an AJOR obsession in medical equipment my whole life. I especially love to work with ECMO. I have always loved studying about it. I have worked with this simulator with the trial version. I was able to do this for 30 days. But the thing is, I could only use it for 10 minutes as specified in the users manual. I do not know of any other good simulations like this. I don't have the money to purhcase it, so is there a way to use the trial version after the trial period is over?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (79.9k points)
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No. There is no way to use the program after the trial period is over without purchasing the product. Registering the product with a serial number is the only way to use the simulator more than 10 minutes. You can purchase it from the official website of the developer. For additional information and further support, contact the developer on the following mail address : enquiries@ecmosimulation.com.

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