Which is the latest version of the program and how can we update it?

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about WinASPECT
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We have been using Specord 210 for last 3 years with WinAspect software and validation module. The instrument is very good and I'm happy with that, but we are having troubles saving the results with the software. The saved results are only .dat fles and not complete results. For example it shows only absorbance after manually saving the results. Unlike other products, the software is not competent.

However we would like to know which is the latest version of the program and how can we update it?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (193k points)

The latest version of the program is WinASPECT 2.3.1, but you can't update it because there isn't an online resource available for this purpose. I suggest you contact Analytik Jena AG for further information. You can get in touch with them using the contact form from the official web page or info@analytik-jena.com email address.

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