Prestressed concrete modeling.

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about COSMOSM 2010 (2009/330)
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The problem is that I design a concrete beam and install a cable inside. In one variant beam is modeled with plate (SHELL4) finite elements, in other variant - SOLID finite elements. In both models cable is modeled BEAM3D element.

Prestress load is applied to cable with temperature (Loads--> thermal-->define by CR). In both models temperature and beam geometry are the same, but after prestressing beam's deflection changes a little in SOLID model. Could anyone help me, please?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (309k points)

Since the software is rather old and the resources are limited, I recommend downloading the user guide available for this process. Access the PDF file and use the Modeling Examples to look through the available procedures. Based on that you have the possibility to learn how to better fix the issue you're having.

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