Rationalizing an amorphous form.

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No avatar asked by (120 points)
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I'm currently working on a design project that involved me to make an amorphous net like form around a box. The form of the net has been pushed, pulled, scaled up and down to create a completely free and dynamic form which resulted in having triangulated surfaces of all different sizes and forms.

This is a problem however, since I need to create this amorphous form out of 'standardised' components. (say 10 types of triangles maximum preferably) Is there an application/ plugin in 3DS Max that allows for an automatic translation of my form into standardised triangles?

If anyone can help me or suggest any other links your help would be much appreciated!

1 Answer

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answered by (264k points)

There is information on Google about this procedure, but it's not detailed enough to offer it as a solution. However, I recommend checking the results page to see exactly what I am talking about. The first and second links should point you to the websites with add-ons and information about translation of forms.

Google Search: http://goo.gl/bKPyxO

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