Can you please help me?

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asked by about Cossacks - European Wars
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Hi, I have an original CD of Cossacks European wars, The art of war and Back to war. I enjoy playing the game but I am sorry to say that it does not run on my computer now. When I start to run the game an error report comes up on the screen "DMCR error: your computer has suffered a serious something and the program has to close, do you want to send a report to Microsoft etc."

Can you please help me? I have not downloaded any patches or upgrades to any of the three programs. In fact are there any patches available still?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (77.9k points)
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To solve this matter, you can try visiting the following web page in order to download and install the latest patch. If this doesn't solve your problem, you can try to rename or delete the 'Video" folder from your game directory.

You should be able to play the game without no problems.

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