The email service accepts only JPEGs.

+1 vote
No avatar asked by (130 points) about Adobe Reader
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I need to send a document to my doctor, but the email service accepts only JPEGs. What can I do?

2 Answers

0 votes
No avatar answered by (18.7k points)

There some ways to make it:

  1. Try free software for converting
  2. Use online services
  3. Buy professional version of Adobe Reader
0 votes
No avatar answered by (132k points)

If you can't attach a PDF document to your message using your email service, you can convert it to JPEG using a utility from Software Informer database. Personally, I recommend you check firstly PDF to JPG Converter or Convert PDF To Image. Also, in order to send the document to your doctor, you can use online sharing tools like WeTransfer, Dropbox, or Jumpshare.

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