I need to install Office 2003 for school.

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about Microsoft Office Word
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I installed Microsoft Office 2007, but I need to install Office 2003 for school. What should I do?

3 Answers

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answered by

Hi dear friend,

2007 version of MS office is very complete version that is contain all tools of 2003 with easier access. You can work with MS Office 2003, then if try 2007 about 3 or 4 days so you can see 2007 is more useful.

Kind regards, Mohamadreza Fathi

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No avatar answered by (180 points)

If you need 2003 version, you can buy the original CD from Computer Stores, maybe they still sell them Muhammad Luthfi Alfarizi P.S. : Sorry for Bad English 8)

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No avatar answered by (193k points)

Unfortunately, Microsoft Office 2003 has been discontinued and it is no longer supported. Nowadays, you can purchase it only from Amazon, eBay or other similar websites. I suggest, you keep Office 2007 because it has all Office 2003 tools and features and it is easy to use. You can use Google search engine to find tutorials and guides that will help you to get familiar with the product. Also, you can check the training courses provided by Microsoft.

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