Uninstalling a single version of Internet Explorer without uninstalling the remain plug-ins

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about Internet Explorer
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I have Internet Explorer installed twice on my hard drive. How do I uninstall one version of it without uninstalling all the other plug-ins that are needed to work with the other version?

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (3.1k points)

I assume you have a x32 (also seen as x86) version of windows as well as a x64 version of it? You do not need the non 64 one, but it is nice to also have the other for some compatibility issues. The program is rather small so unless you have a really tiny hard drive do not worry about it. If you are talking about two different version of IE then simply uninstall the older version. If you need help on how to do this or my answer does not answer your question let me know.

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No avatar answered by (132k points)
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As you can see on the official web page, running multiple versions of Internet Explorer on a single instance of Windows should be unsupported. If you have installed a second version of the browser on your computer, you can remove it using Revo Uninstaller. Even if it can't uninstall the application normally, it will force it to uninstall by wiping out all traces of its presence from the system.

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