Information about FlexiSIGN configuration.

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about FlexiSIGN-PRO
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I have a very antiquated system using FlexiSignPro 6x and a Roland PC60 which prints and cuts. The machine is only printing 25-75% vertical of the image I am sending. The left and right 25% are not printing. The cutter then cuts as if it had printed the entire image. I have re-installed Flexi on a different computer and have the same problem. When I run the test print through the machine it processes completely, just not on my images. I have been using this system for 8 years and it has worked fine. I have been trying to isolate if it is a program or machine issue. Any thoughts other than spending $$ to upgrade computer, cutter and software?

1 Answer

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answered by (264k points)

I have tried looking for troubleshooting information related to the FlexiSign Pro, but the results were unsatisfactory. I recommend using Google Search to download the user guide in PDF format. You will find all the configuration instructions posted in that file. Secondly, if you still have issues, contact the developer of the application using the following contact page:

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