How can I update AutoCAD free of cost?

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How can I update AutoCAD free of cost?

3 Answers

0 votes
answered by (1.6k points)

If they release some patch the program will automatically update once you are connected to Internet. If you are upgrade your version from which you installed then you have to pay AutoDesk.

0 votes
answered by (12.7k points)

U can never update Autocad.... They release the Updated version Every Year with change in Interface..... U can only update it for the current year Version.... For updating, run the setup... And you will find an Update option while installing...

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No avatar answered by (1.9k points)
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Free upgrade of AutoCAD was never possible and it will never be. For every upgrade from one version to another, a fee needs to be payed, then you will receive an e-mail from Autodesk containing everything that you need to do to upgrade to the version bought.

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