hi im abdul rahman i hav u torrent 2.0 version..................i want 2 increase my speed can u help me to increas my torrent speed

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asked by about µTorrent (uTorrent)

hi im abdul rahman i hav u torrent 2.0 version..................i want 2 increase my speed can u help me to increas my torrent speed

7 Answers

0 votes
No avatar answered by (140 points)

it basically depends upon your internet speed or u can use other torrent clients like bittorrent or bitcomet

0 votes
answered by

Torrent speed depends on

Health of Torrents (Major Effect) Number of Seeds (Major Effect) Number of Peers (Minor Effect) but not zero

0 votes
No avatar answered by (380 points)

it all depends on your computer and your internet speed.

0 votes
answered by

use Vuze. It almost download files in your original internet speed..........

0 votes
answered by (4.5k points)

It all depends on seeders and leechers.

Vuze is slower.

0 votes
answered by

none can help you get faster connection for faster download. So your ISP can help you, if you pay more

try http://www.magtorrent.com

0 votes
No avatar answered by (300 points)

Hey try to reduce the uploading speed from the setting..it will surely works ..have a great day..cheers

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