The default port of Microsoft Access 2003.

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asked by about Microsoft Office Access
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I have to connect to Access database from my Java application. Both Access database and Java application run on different servers on network. I'm using a connection string like "jdbc:access://", but I'm receiving an "Invalid Port" error. Can you tell me the default port used by Microsoft Access 2003 database? Or, is there a way to find the port of Microsoft Access 2003?

3 Answers

0 votes
No avatar answered by (540 points)

try to contact with Microsoft web sit they can help you :)

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answered by

Try to call microsoft and they can help you

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No avatar answered by (132k points)

Firstly, I recommend you use 1433 as the communication port. If it is not working, go to Start, type cmd and open the utility using Administrator rights. After that, type netstat -b -a and hit Enter. This statement will provide you a list with all ports in use and the executable file for each port. If you still have problems, try contacting Microsoft Support team.

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