A SIF file is a Salary Information File which needs to be submitted to the bank for processing through Wages Protection System. Unfortunately, on the market there isn't any software available to perform this operation. However, you can try to do it manually. Open an Excel document, type EDR (Employee Details Record) in the A columns, enter the 14 digit Person ID number in the B fields and the Agent ID in C. Type the employee's account number or Salary Card Number in the D columns and the payment start date and payment end date in the next 2 sections. Make sure you enter them in YYYY-MM-DD format. In the G fields enter the number of days for which the salary is being paid and in the next two type the fixed and the variable amount to be paid to the worker. After that, enter the number of days on which the employee is not paid.
After you finish the EDR section, type SCR (Salary Control Record) in the latest row and enter step by step the 13 digit Employer Unique ID, Bank code of the Employer, File Creation Date (YYYY-MM-DD format), File Creation Time (HH-MM format), Salary Month (MM-YYYY format), EDR count, total salary amount paid to the workers, AED (Payment Currency) and an employer reference number if it is available. After you finish, go to File > Save As, enter the Employer Unique ID, File Creation Date and File Creation Time as file name (it should be in EEEEEEEEEEEEEYYMMDDHHMMSS format), select CSV as Save as Type and rename the .csv to .sif. Click Save and you will obtain the .sif file.