3 quick questions for a suspicious beginner..

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asked by about XXClone
  1. Can I find out what date this program was installed on my computer?
  2. Does this software run updates automatically? If so, how/where do I change settings?
  3. How can I check dates of last manual updates or edits? Any input is appreciated... Thanks!

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (140 points)
  1. Yes. Open the following folder My Computer > C: drive > Windows > xxclone.arc and find the oldest date of the files inside the folder.
  2. No. You should visit http://www.xxclone.com and see what's there and manually download a new version.
  3. Run XXClone, Cool Tools > Restore points and see the newest date inside the Restore Points list. Or, Run RegEdit and examine HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Pixelab > XXClone > DateLastUsage

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