How do I record a video with Acer Crystal Eye webcam?
I cannot record or use the configuration.I get in the web cam I see it working,but i have this sign in the cursor of the mouse to wait,so i cannot do anything else.Thank you
Acer Crystal Eye webcam doesn't have any option to record videos but you can use some other programs like EZ Webcam Recorder, Windows Movie Maker or Webcam Video Capture. I suggest you to use Windows Movie Maker because is a free any easy to use program. You can download and install the application from Microsoft Download & Shop web page if you don't have it. In Windows Movie Maker go to Movie Tasks > Capture video > Capture from video device. Select your webcam in Available device field and click Next. Enter a file name and choose a place to save your captured video and click Next. On video settings tab select the video setting you want to use for capturing video and audio. Click again Next and the Start Capture button. After the video is ready click the Stop Capture button and Finish. You will find the video in the output folder.