while I am typing , the typing just stops even though I did not stop. the cursor disappears and I need to find it and click where it stopped but in a few seconds it does it again

–2 votes
asked by about Software Informer

while I am typing , the typing just stops even though I did not stop. the cursor disappears and I need to find it and click where it stopped but in a few seconds it does it again

3 Answers

0 votes
answered by (12.7k points)

Its A Viral-attack on your PC... Just use a good AV like I do... If U 2 have a good AV install REGSEEKER and run a scan... It will help you out... Also to find your disappeared cursor turn on the settings which i say, just follow control panel>>Printers and other hardwares>>mouse>>pointer options>>Check "Show location of pointer when I press ctrl key"...

0 votes
answered by

arabic letters on my cursor but I can' t use them.how did?

–2 votes
answered by

Please check whether you have got a virus attack. It could also be some other program or pop-up is taking control.

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