I want to reinstall Welcome to the Catholic Church software.

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asked by about Welcome to the Catholic Church
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I can't find the Welcome to the Catholic Church CD. I am in possession of the serial number only. How can I retrieve my software online?

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (132k points)

You can't download the application because it is discontinued by Harmony Media, the developer of the product. Although you can find the software on Amazon or other similar web pages.

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answered by

I have the CD_ROM Welcome to the Catholic Church but I cannot install it onto Windows 7 operating system. Any suggestions??? Is there a driver or anything that I can download to make this program work on Windows7? William

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answered by

Please Note - Windows compatibility software CAN NOT run "Welcome to the Catholic Church 3" Windows 11 will run this program using the compatibility for Windows 8. Hope this helps somebody using this wonderful software program.

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