Software Informer do not show the correct vertion of ExplorerXp program

+1 vote
No avatar asked by (220 points) about ExplorerXP

At 2 October 2009 I change the version of ExplorerXp from to 1.07a. Since then until today (7 October) Software Informer show version as the old version ( How can I fix it? Tanks

3 Answers

+1 vote
No avatar answered by (4.9k points)
Best answer

Have you refreshed the siClient?

+1 vote
No avatar answered by (220 points)

Hallow' Joan Yes, I push more then one time the "Refresh" button located at the bottom right corner of the program's main window. The problem described in my question appears in many programs not only in ExplorerXp. Thanks for helping me. Shlomo

0 votes
answered (7.9k points)

There is a bug in the SI Client back-end, which is not updated regularly, and also the client is not that good at seeing the actual 4 binary of the version. So in case the version is say 1.0.7.a, it will still not be able to bind up the 'a', and at times still show there is a new version available.

Oh, and also the 1st point to note here is that the company winded up its things in some days after the release. So, the system server of the company was releasing the updated version in the market server.

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