How do I find my computer's IP address?

+1 vote
No avatar asked by (130 points)
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How do I find my computer's IP address?

4 Answers

+1 vote
No avatar answered by (4.9k points)

choose "Start" > "Run", then type there ipconfig/all and in the "Local Network Connection" you will see the IP address of your computer

0 votes
No avatar answered by (4k points)

Another way is Click Start => Than Control Panel => than Network Connections .... then double click on 'Local Area Connection' and click on Properties, there you will see an option Internet Protocol (TCP/IP),and than click the properties tab and you will see your computer's IP address

0 votes
answered by (300 points)

If you want to check your internal IP address in Windows use the following methods: 1)start->Run->cmd->type ipconfig 2)If you want to check your External IP address you can visit this site Here you can search IP, IP Location, Country, Latitude and Longitude details and etc.

0 votes
No avatar answered by (132k points)

Go to Start, type cmd in the Search programs and files field and open the application using Administrator rights. After that, type ipconfig and hit the Enter key. The IP address will be displayed next to IPv4 Address. Also, you can use the guide provided by Microsoft.

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