hi -
do you know if there is any way OR anywhere that I may recieve a downloaded element of my MS Office Suite?
I think when I used the WINDOWS disk cleanup software -- I may have checked off one of the boxes that can or most likely will EFFECT or CORRUPT certain elements of the MS Office suite.
that said, I can still get my MS WORD to work with a little bit of hang-ups & some other odd flags; however, I cannot get my EXCEL to work as it always defaults into the... "Preparing to install MS Offfice Professional suite" dialouge box... and of course, then asks for my initial CD disk to reinstall it.
WELL... unfortunately my Fujitsu laptop is about 3 years old and the CD / DVD drive does not function properly, so I cannot use it for anything... including the RE-install of the MS suite.
Can anyone help me with this issue?
I still have my official MS Office CD with the "Product Key" as well... but I cannot utilize it inside of my broken CD/DVD Player to reinstall or re-configure the MS Office software elements.
thank you in advance for any assistance you may afford me!!