Firstly, make sure that the 24V supply is connected to the main Power Supply (turn it on) and then connect the DAI USB connector to the computer. Open the PC and start the LVDAM EMS software. Using the File menu navigate to (C:) > Program Files > LabVolt > Samples and open the E302_2.dai file. Once the metering window display values for E1, E2, E3, I1, and I2, click on it and select Options > Acquisition Settings. Press OK and then check the Continue Refresh box from the View menu. Turn on the main voltage power supply and adjust the supply voltage to 120V. Monitor the EMS voltmeter and the metering window and record in Table 2 the primary voltage E1 and the secondary voltage E2. After that, turn the voltage control knob CCW, and turn off the main power supply. For further information, I recommend you check the user guide that you can find accessing the third link from Google search engine.