Family Feud game doesn't run on Windows XP Media Edition 2005

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about Family Feud
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Why does our Family Feud game not run on our Windows XP Media Edition 2005?

I've installed/un-installed the game and many times tried to get it run. I can't tell how many times I've sent error after error messages to Microsoft "about this problem".

When I click on the icon to play, a little black box comes on the screen in the upper left hand corner and then the Microsoft "Had to shut down the program...sorry for the inconvenience" message comes up. Late Dec. 2007 I had to do a System Recovery with HP Help. Before this date, I purchased the Family Feud game at our local Wal-Mart, installed the game and played it many times - no problems. After the System Recovery (11 months ago) the game can't even start. I've looked for driver updates for the Intel G965 Express Chipset Family and this is a headache. After I did the System Restore from HP, my system says it's now Version 2002 Service Pack 3 XP Media Center Edition 2005. Could this have something to do with Family Feud on our computer?

1 Answer

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answered by (264k points)
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Yes, it has something to do with Family Feud on your computer. You are talking about two versions of the Windows operating system. The Windows XP Media Center 2005 edition is in fact the first version of Windows XP released back in the days. What you have now installed is Windows XP Service Pack 3. It contains many upgrades and enhancements. The Kernel file was also changed and because of that, the software might require updates to work with the new version of Windows.

Unfortunately, the Family Feud game is not available on the old website. I have checked it and it wasn't there.

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