How can I add more than 500 Type 1 Fonts to a Canon MFD Copier?

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No avatar asked by (120 points)
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How can I add more than 500 Type 1 Fonts to a Canon MFD Copier? The NetSpot Utility for font management only allows up to 500 fonts to be installed to the machine. I'm using Canon iRC2550i.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (193k points)

The Canon iRC2550i machine supports only Postscript and PCL fonts. By default, it is packaged with 136 Postscript and 112 PCL fonts. If you can't add more than 500 fonts using the NetSpot utility, connect the printer to your computer, navigate to Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Devices and Printers, right-click the icon of your printer and select Properties. Select the Device Settings tab, click External Fonts, and then press Properties. Type the path to the directory or drive where the fonts are located in the New Soft Font Directory and click Open. Select the fonts you want to install and click Add for each selection. Also, if you want, you can add TrueType fonts on your computer using the Control Panel > All Control Panel Items > Fonts folder.

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