Have changed computers since buying my GrabBee product. New computer has XP Service Pack 3 pre-installed. When I try to install my GBrabBee product the computer asks for XP Service Pack 2 to be installed. Since I can't install SP2 (the computer...

+1 vote
No avatar asked by (130 points) about GrabBee

Have changed computers since buying my GrabBee product. New computer has XP Service Pack 3 pre-installed. When I try to install my GBrabBee product the computer asks for XP Service Pack 2 to be installed. Since I can't install SP2 (the computer states SP3 is the newer/better update) I have a major problem installing GrabBee. Is there a way I can obtain an update from GrabBee that allows me to install it with SP3 in the system? I cannot obtain a driver anywhere! Can my GrabBee product be somehow installed using Xp SP2?

Help please.


1 Answer

+2 votes
No avatar answered by (180 points)

Hi Ronnie

Updated driver for GrabBeeX+Deluxe using XP SP3 is available from the VideoHome website. (I folowed the links from this website). I had the same problem you did, downloaded the zip file, installed and all is functioning OK.


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