Can you tell me how to play Counter Strike 1.6 online?

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about Counter-Strike
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Can you tell me how to play Counter Strike 1.6 online?

3 Answers

+1 vote
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In the main control press "find server" and in the angle "internet"; you'll get a list server, you have to chose a server with a small "ping" or "latency" that you can play without "lags"….. The more your connection is high, the less your ping is!!! Enjoy the game…..

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I agree with what 1847266 guest says, but what you have to look out for are the filters for such servers with 600 ping, who are not near where you live a continent away such an brazil server that you never enter kicked by ping lag or whatever you want to call you convngo you use the filters to find the appropriate servers

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No avatar answered by (236k points)
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Counter Strike is connected to the Steam network. This means that you can use the built-in steam module to look for servers or from the main menu of the game. Start the game from your library then click on Find Servers > Internet. It's recommended to play on VAC Secured server in order to avoid cheats or VAC hackers.

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