How can I create jpg slices of a 3d CAD model?

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asked by about Autodesk CAD Manager Tools
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I've created a 3D model that needs to be sliced up into images every 0.2 mm. The images are an input into modelling software. Can anyone suggest a method/tool to do this?

1 Answer

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answered by (15.6k points)
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Freesteel is an applcation that can slice 3D models into 2D pieces. For downloading it, you should go to this link This tool also comes in a web version Freesteel is a command line tool, so, in order to access it, you will have to open the command line interface(Start, Run, type cmd). In the newly open interface, type c:>slice path_to_mypart.stl to access the tool for loading your model. The software will also tell you the dimensions of the model, so if, for example, these are 0 to 5, type c:\slice path_to_mypart.stl -z0,5,1 -o myslices.jpg. A presentation of the software can be found here

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