How can we set the Subnneting IP to the IPs of the 3 router and on each side to 6 users with minimal IP losses?

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asked by (120 points)
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I work with Packet Tracer for a configuration scenario. How can we set the Subnneting IP to the IPs of the 3 router and on each side to 6 users with minimal IP losses?

IP is I do it myself, but the whole scenario was divided into 4 Network: for 8 host (left) for 8 host(right) for 2 IP for router(left) for 2 IP for router(right)

When I set up the IP on routers, the program sends an error message. How can I configure the scenario described in the following image?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (79.9k points)
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In order to configure the scenario described in the picture mentioned, you need to have some advanced knowledge of network configuration and subnetting. However, in order to obtain a configuration with minimal IP loss, you can use another tool from Cisco called Cisco IP Subnet Calculator. By using this, you enter the values that you have and the network configuration that you want to achieve, and the application will automatically provide for the optimal IPs that you can use.

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